263: Wait Until Your Words Have Weight
Do your words have weight? Does the feedback you give to those that you coach provide the results that you know are possible or does your feedback land flat? What do you need to do in order to give feedback that people hear and apply? Tune in to gain some practical tips to help you…
Listen to EpisodeCH Bonus: Alternative PD Options for Teachers
Covid has shaken things up in classrooms everywhere, but maybe it is time to shake up professional development as well! We invited multiple instructional coaches to talk about alternative formats for professional development, and how to get away from the one-hour passive meeting that so many of us have found ourselves trapped in. One thing…
Listen to Episode262: Belief Over Reality
Your mind is a powerful tool. What you believe becomes your reality. What beliefs do you hold that may be holding you back? How can you turn your thoughts into productive actions for your desirable outcome? Quotables You become what you believe What do you believe about yourself? Does that belief match your current reality?…
Listen to EpisodeCH Bonus: Secrets to Powerful PD for Teachers
Gone are the days that PD sessions should be viewed as a one-and-done meeting. Professional development should be seen as a whole program experience, that people will talk about and think about after it is over. Listen in on this Clubhouse Chat where our guest educator – Erica – shares her tips, tricks, and secrets…
Listen to Episode261: Capturing Fear
Fear can be crippling and truly rob us of our greatest potential. Fear can keep us from taking that new position or doing hard things. How can we overcome fear? Listen in as I share about my experience with fear and the steps I have taken to take control of it instead of it taking…
Listen to EpisodeCH Bonus: Stress and Teacher Support
Teachers are stressed out now more than ever before. As teacher leaders, it is important that we know and understand the stressors our teachers face so that we can help with solutions. Listen in on this Clubhouse Chat as we discuss the stressors our teachers are facing and how we can help. Quotable We need…
Listen to Episode260: Jon Orr and Kyle Pearce
Jon Orr and Kyle Pearce discuss their Make Math Moments Three Part Framework. In their framework they discuss sparking curiosity within students all while fueling student sense making and igniting your teacher moves. Jon and Kyle make it easy to help us inspire our students to dive deeper in the classroom Quotables How do we…
Listen to EpisodeCH Bonus: Collaborative Planning Teams
Planning as a team is essential. Many times, though, we find that time to plan is not on our side. Listen in on this Clubhouse Chat as we discuss how to structure collaborative planning teams with teachers! Quotable Sometimes conversations need more time. Splitting up that time throughout the week allows for those deeper conversations.…
Listen to Episode259: Max Out Your Minimum
After several years of pushing our limits, giving all we have as educators, it’s time to truly maximize our efforts. How might we scale back from the stress and give our best when tasks are piling up each day? Allow yourself to be fully present and effective. This happens when you discover that sweet spot…
Listen to EpisodeCH Bonus: Prep, Priorities, and Plenty of Rest over the Holiday Break
Effective time management is the secret of success; prioritizing our tasks can help us achieve better education quality and better teaching results. As an educator, we should always be looking ahead and planning. Join today’s bonus Clubhouse episode, listen to our guest educator – Tammy- share her experience and tips with us! Quotable “It’s essential…
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