
Welcome to Always A Lesson’s

Empowering Educators Podcasts page!

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Launched June 14, 2015

Whether you’re teaching a lesson or learning one yourself, this podcast is for you!


  • Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes or on Stitcher!
  • Are you an educator interested in a guest spot on my podcast? Email [email protected]!
  • If there is a topic you would like to hear on my podcast, let me know by clicking here!

“This podcast is the modern answer to continual education on the fly for teachers.” – JV Crum III 

 See more reviews below:


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  1. […] Podcasts […]

  2. Thelma on 02/19/2016 at 4:38 AM

    I just listened to podcast number 28 and all I can say is WOW. Thank you for being so transparent and real. No fluff. Much needed. Thank you!!

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