I am an Instructional Coach, Now What?!

You might be thinking, “I am an instructional coach, now what?” Luckily, you are not alone! Many coaches feel the exact same way when they first get hired. Some schools and districts provide a clear, thorough job description and provide ample training for all the tasks required. However, most schools and districts hire knowing an instructional coach is an important lever to maximize teacher proficiency and student achievement, but they have not thought out the details after that. If that is your situation, have no fear!

instructional coachingThis blog post will provide a plethora of information in regards to successfully getting instructional coaching up and running in your building. You’ll be way ahead of the game by combing through the information shared below. It is organized by themed headings to direct your browsing.

I high suggest keeping two things in mind before diving in:

  1. Read what is most pertinent to you and begin planning how to implement what you learned (please do not binge read and forget to apply your new knowledge!).
  2. If something resonates with you and you might want to reference it in the future, bookmark it for later.
  3. You can be successful without mastering everything mentioned below so consume until you hit your limit.

Happy learning!


  1. How to Set Up Your Instructional Coaching Space
  2. Get Organized for Coaching!

Coaching Cycles:

  1. What is it and How do I Conduct one?
  2. Starting Coaching Cycles at your School Site
  3. Macro vs Micro Options


  1. Establishing Teacher Expectations of Instructional Coaching
  2. 5 P’s of Meaningful Conversations with Teachers
  3. How to Cultivate Trust with Teachers
  4. How to Help Teachers Engage Students
  5. How to Help Teachers Manage a Classroom
  6. How to Provide Models of Expert Teaching
  7. Building Relationships with a Large Caseload of Teachers
  8. Creating Professional Boundaries with Colleagues
  9. Guiding Questions that Move Teacher Performance Forward

Seasons of Coaching:

  1. Summer Strategy
  2. Fall Strategy
  3. Winter Strategy
  4. Spring Strategy


  1. Must Have Supplies for an Instructional Coach
  2. Leading PD: Must Haves for Instructional Coaches
  3. Resources to Support your Leadership Growth
  4. How a Mastermind can Increase Educator Effectiveness

Coach Life:

  1. Not Having a Home Base
  2. Wearing all the Hats
  3. Being Teacher for the Day 


  1. 10 Tips for Moving into a Coaching Role as a Teacher
  2. Tried-and-True Tips for Coaching
  3. What I Wish I Knew About Being an Instructional Coach
  4. 6 Tips for Instructional Coaches
  5. Leadership Tips- Part 1
  6. Leadership Tips- Part 2
  7. Leadership Tips- Part 3
  8. Leadership Tips- Part 4
  9. Top 4 Coaching Fears & the Lessons They Teach Us
  10. The Teacher Emotional Cycle with Coaching

I hope you found this compilation blog post helpful. If you prefer a community to learn along with you, join our Teacher Leader Mastermind! Wishing you a wonderful year as an instructional coach!

If you are need of resources to help you become an even stronger coach, browse these printable and digital options. Check out my instructional coaching must-haves here.

Go Be Great!




What questions do you have about setting the stage as an instructional coach?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.

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