196: How Do You Want To Be?
Teaching tiny humans is more than lesson plans with standards and objectives. Teaching is a way to help guide a young person along their learning path so that they discover their inner skills and talents, use their school knowledge to propel those gifts, and then go out into the world to leave their mark. As…
Listen to Episode195: Bonus Edition- Finding Your Desires with Nick Tokman
Nick Tokman, also known as “Sunshine” on Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, empowers others to overcome all of the distractions and obstacles that get in the way of owning who they are so they achieve THEIR definition of success. An engaging and animated professional speaker, he directs his audiences to focus their attention on what’s important for them…
Listen to Episode194: Being a Knowledge Hoarder is Holding you Back
We often overly consume and under-implement. I call this practice “knowledge hoarding” and it isn’t helpful in getting us to reach our goals or potential. We need to implement what we are learning instead of overloading our brains with knowledge time and time again. Tune in to hear 5 tips to making sense of our…
Listen to Episode193: When You Can’t Find the Answer
No matter how much experience we have as educators, there are moments in our career where we have no answers. Our heads are banging against the wall and our brains are overworked trying to figure out solutions to the obstacles we are facing without any relief in sight. Luckily, our experiences help us recognize these…
Listen to Episode192: 5 Secrets to Success in the Classroom
New teachers struggle to hone in on the most important factors to ensure a strong start and finish to their very first school year due to all the distractions of shiny objects on social media. Tune in to hear 5 secrets to success that help any new teacher achieve veteran status in no time. You’ll…
Listen to Episode191: Making an Impact Day One
There is no question whether or not teachers want to make an impact in their classrooms. But oftentimes there are two factors that come into play that could make or break that very first day of school for both teachers and students. Tune in to hear what those are and how to prepare so…
Listen to Episode190: Bonus Edition- Cumulative Effect with Jahkari “JT” Taylor
Jahkari “JT” Taylor was born to be a Purpose Pusher. His life’s work demonstrates his passion for cultivating, motivating, and inspiring people from all walks of life. Yet, JT’s life story may not fit the mold of an ideal Purpose Pusher. When he was just a child he went from living in a 1987 Ford…
Listen to Episode189: Do you Push, Pull or Guide?
Instructional coaching and teacher leadership are essential for moving the needle in student achievement and teacher proficiency. But the way coaches are leading teachers ends up landing flat because they are either pushing too hard or pulling too far. The secret to great teacher leadership is being a guide on the side- not pushing or…
Listen to Episode188: Turn your Whelm Upside Down
Overwhelm can get the best of us. In fact, too many teachers are leaving the profession due to their plates being full for far too long. When you learn how to recognize overwhelm before it overcomes you, you can begin to hack away at your schedule so that you conserve energy and happiness for what…
Listen to Episode187: Permission to Fill Your Cup
Sometimes you can be so tuned in that you don’t realize your candle is burning out. For teachers, summer is a great time to unplug by becoming a learner in something new. You have permission to fill your cup in another passion so that you can be great at your main passion as an educator.…
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