252: Know Your Options

Do you know how many opportunities are out there for teachers? The opportunities are unlimited! You’ll find out something you don’t know- certifications, schools that are a better fit, and even more leadership options! I’m here to help teachers find missed opportunities and information while helping ideas and dreams become realistic.  Quotables It’s hard to…

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251: Creating Change Within

Take action and start creating change from within your school building. Some questions you may want to ask yourself are: How do you find changes you want to see? How to evoke change no matter where we are? You know what should be done differently so instead of wishing and wanting, speak up! Use your…

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250: Education with Julie Warner

Julie Warner, EdD, left the classroom fewer than 10 years ago—close enough that she can still vividly remember her first few rocky years with their emotional and logistical landmines, but long enough to have had a career in education since then that includes obtaining a doctorate in education from Teachers College, Columbia University, stints as…

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249: You Are In Control

How do you react to other people’s actions? Do you become overwhelmed, anxious, or shut down? Listen in to hear of some great tips on overcoming the influence of others and being reminded that YOU are in control! Quotables Others can effect your performance, mindset, and wellbeing. We need to be able to protect how…

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248: Starting Strong

If you are a teacher leader – this is for you! It is important to support others to be successful faster. Many times, administration and instructional coaches want to support teachers, but don’t have a game plan ready or data from the previous year to best do that. In this episode you will hear about…

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247: Reframing the Apology

This past year has challenged educators to look at education and learning in a new light. Do you find yourself apologizing for how you are implementing your teaching? This podcast episode speaks on our initial reaction to apologize for how we are having to change. Instead, let’s reframe and hear about a better way to…

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246: Kicking it off with PD

It is time for a new year and that means it is time for engaging professional development that will help teachers learn and grow.  When we create professional development sessions, we want them to be beneficial for teachers and to create buy in among our colleagues. This podcast episode discusses 5 ways to boost engagement,…

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