Supporting Teachers During the Back to School Season

Supporting teachers during the Back to School season can look different for everyone depending on your school goals, your title/role, and your administrator’s style. However, it’s essential that supporting teachers should be the number one goal for teacher leaders during the stressful weeks leading up to the start of the school year.

Supporting Teachers During the Back to School SeasonThere are a variety of ways to show up and support teachers, but below I share 10 tried and true ways teacher leaders can assist teachers during the back to school season.

  1. Share a Tasty Surprise– Teachers are tired and starving so if you’re able, provide a tasty treat and maybe some caffeine to keep them going.
  2. Assess Classroom Needs– Ask teachers what they need, make a list, and chat with the admin team to see what you are able to take care of for them.
  3. Deliver & Confirm Student Rosters– Class lists change constantly and teachers are ready to label classroom items, so continue to provide up-to-date rosters to teachers as often as necessary (sometimes multiple times a day!).
  4. Print and Pass out Paperwork– The school will often require parents to fill out necessary paperwork the first few days of school, so print and pass out those documents for teachers to share with parents during Open House/Meet the Teacher events.
  5. Disperse Curriculum Materials– As a teacher leader, curriculum is one of your largest foci. Organize, track and disperse curriculum materials to each teacher in the building.
  6. Check in with Team Leaders/Department Chairs– Ensure teacher leaders know how to support their team throughout the year by talking through what to discuss with colleagues, common and effective leadership strategies, and general Q/A.
  7. Goal Set with Teachers– Meet 1:1 with teachers to find out what they want to accomplish this year, unrelated to what the district or school says they must achieve.
  8. Provide Training and Learning Opportunities– Professional development is another large focus so plan, develop, and deliver all required trainings to staff.
  9. Facilitate Quarterly Planning Meetings– Teachers not only need to set up their classrooms, but they have to plan for the upcoming quarter. Instead of just planning day one or week one, teachers should plan “big picture” for what’s coming and how to approach meeting all of the standards. Provide a lengthy block of time with appropriate curricular materials to help teachers plan.
  10. Lend a Helping Hand– Jump in wherever you can doing whatever you can. Ask “how can I help?” on repeat!

No matter how you are supporting teachers during back to school, as long as you are prioritizing their needs and providing solutions to timely obstacles, your efforts are beyond helpful. Making the back to school season a smooth ride for teachers is a feat you should be proud of!

Need some resources to help support teachers? Browse theses professional development resources to build into your trainings on educational best practices for teachers as well as over 100+ instructional coaching forms to help you support the growth and development of teachers.





How do you support teachers during Back-to-School?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.