Making an Impact with Virtual Coaching Calls

Virtual coaching calls have become the norm during this period of remote learning and leading due to Covid-19. They are easy to implement and highly effective in improving teacher proficiency and student achievement in the classroom.

Making an Impact with Virtual Coaching CallsA virtual coaching call is a 1:1 discussion a teacher leader has with a teacher that focuses on goals, implementation steps and follow-through.

This post will help teacher leaders turn coaching conversations into productive, empowering virtual discussions. After all, teacher leaders want to continue to develop relationships while ensuring teachers are implementing district and school initiatives with fidelity. They also want to help teachers reach personal and professional goals while ensuring students are making progress or meeting grade level expectations.

Virtual coaching calls will help teacher leaders meet their goals for having a positive impact with those they serve daily, especially during this unprecedented time in our nation’s history.

How does a Virtual Coaching Call Differ from Traditional Debrief Conversations?

The two discussions are similar in that they focus on the development and proficiency of the teacher in the classroom. One is held face-to-face, usually after an observation. It is rooted in evidence of quality instruction based on the lesson observed. The virtual coaching call, however, occurs by use of technology to connect with teachers in how they are planning, developing, delivering, and assessing instruction.

Both are powerful ways to support teachers in improving student achievement in the classroom.

How do you Lead Virtual Coaching Calls?

    1. Prepare-  Get organized, gather the necessary materials and set up the call
    2. Execute– Use the virtual coaching calls guide to help you plan, lead and track your discussions with teachers
    3. Follow-Up–  Keep accurate records, place next steps on your calendar, and contact the teacher during the pre-determined follow-up time frame

What Resources are Available for Leading Virtual Coaching Calls?

    • Get the step-by-step guide for how to effectively implement these with the virtual coaching calls guide
    • Or grab all of the forms I use for instructional coaching (over 100 pages!) in printable, digital and editable formats here.

Virtual coaching calls are a great way to continue supporting the development of teachers and students during this time of remote learning. It can also become an extension of support for teacher leaders who want to have high touch points with their case load of teachers. Either way, using virtual coaching calls is a successful strategy in improving teacher proficiency and student achievement.





What challenges are you facing with virtual coaching calls?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.