Life After Coaching: Finding Your Next Place of Influence

There is a life after coaching. At times, it can feel that everything has lead up to your role as an instructional coach. And whether YOU or LIFE has decided your run is over, this crossroads can be anxiety-provoking. Luckily, many instructional coaches have figured out how move on while still continuing to have an influence in the field of education.

Life After Coaching: Making your Plan

In order to have a productive, fulfilling life after coaching, you need to make a plan. This plan will help you get clear on what you need and want while looking for the next opportunity. This clarity helps keep emotions in check and allows you to use your skills to make the most of the transitional time.

  • Timeframe: How much time do you have to figure things out?
  • Non-negotiables: What do you NEED from your next venture to make things work and to feel happy?
  • Wishlist: What have you always wanted to be or do but never had the time?
  • Connections: Who do you know that could be a helpful thought partner as you navigate these new waters?

Life After Coaching: Skills & Assets

Now that you have your timeframe, non-negotiables, wishlist and connections figured out, it’s time to begin the brain dump. This will help guide you forward into your next opportunity as you look backwards to see how where you have been has prepared you for where you are to go.

  • Take Stock: What experiences, talents, credentials or skills have you acquired that you can repurpose?
  • Rewind: How have you grown or developed in your last role that will set you up for success in the next role?
  • Fill the holes: What is missing from your tool belt that you can fill right now through additional degrees, certifications, professional development, etc.?

Life After Coaching: Potential Jobs

Now that you have made your plan and gotten clear on your skills and assets you bring with you into your next chapter, it’s time to nail down potential jobs. The work you have completed so far is going to set you up for success. Not only will you find a job you are passionate about, but one that you can be really good at as well.

  • Research: Where can you look for job openings?
  • Make a List: How can you keep track of job opportunities and prioritize the ones that matter most?
  • Contact: Who do you need to make contact with to initiate the job hunt and hiring process?
  • Follow-Up: What tasks need to be completed to close the loop on contact emails, interviews, or job offers?

Just because you’re transitioning out of your role as an instructional coach doesn’t mean your life as a leader in education is over. When you make a plan, review skills or assets and nail down potential jobs, you increase the likelihood of finding your next place of influence.

Want to talk things through about your personal situation? Let’s hop on a call and develop a plan!





How did you find your next place of influence as an educator?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.