5 Mistakes a Teacher Mentor Makes

A teacher mentor is one of the most powerful ways to support the growth of educators. A teacher mentor is a colleague who has shown tremendous impact in the classroom and is willing to help new or struggling colleagues learn how to do the same. In order to be an effective teacher mentor, there are…

How to Run Math Workshop in your Classroom

Math workshop is a way to structure your math block so that students get repetitious practice on multiple skills. Students can be found in various centers working on different tasks for a pre-determined amount of time. They then switch to other groups and eventually work in a small group with the teacher on the focus…

How a Mastermind Can Increase Educator Effectiveness

Educators who are top notch are those that continue to learn and grow throughout their career. Participating in varied learning experiences will increase educator effectiveness, which then positively impacts student learning in the classroom. The Problem Support for the development of educators varies at each school building and district. Some offer new hire or teacher…

Creating Mental Health Supports for Teachers

The mental health of educators is in crisis right now. It is causing increased stress, decreased job satisfaction, and a mass exodus of the profession. Mental health is a taboo subject; something no one wants to talk about or admit they struggle in that area. Because of that, educators suffer silently when they could be…

10 Ways to Learn Over Summer Break as a Teacher Leader

Summer is here! Being intentional with how you spend your time will ensure you are able to rest, enjoy time with friends and family, and build in some time to continue learning. As a professional, it’s important to hone your craft, especially as things in education change. There are always new strategies, techniques or curriculum…

How to Request School Funds for your Professional Development

Educators are always looking for ways to strengthen their craft. Requesting school funds is one way educators can continue to grow their instructional and leadership capacity. This post will walk educators through what school funds are, how to request them, and what they can even be used for. What are school funds? Schools have money…

How to Lead Community Partnerships

Community partnerships benefit schools and students because they enrich the learning experience. Having outside support for school based initiatives allows students and staff access to items, experiences, and opportunities the school alone could not offer. Partnerships could be physical donations, volunteering time, sponsoring events, and more. This post serves to help schools build and navigate…

How to Lead a Committee at your School Site

How to lead a committee at your school site is a common question for teachers who want leadership experience. It doesn’t matter whether an administrator appoints or approves your leadership on a committee, you get to serve as the point person. This very important job ensures your school continues to improve for the sake of…

Supporting Teachers During Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences can be extremely time consuming for teachers to complete. Often times, teacher leaders step back their support during this time so that teachers can solely focus on preparing for the conferences. However, that approach isn’t necessary. There are numerous ways teacher leaders can continue to support teachers without pulling back, especially during a…

10 Ways to Lead Others as a Classroom Teacher

Leading others as a classroom teacher can be the most powerful way to drive instructional growth and development. As a classroom teacher, you live and breathe your own tips, strategies, and general advice. You understand the current demands, obstacles, and struggles. Others are more apt to partner together with you since you relate to their…