Ditch Learning Overwhelm with Right Size PD

Right size PD (professional development) refers to shortening the dose of learning for teachers. Often times, they need to spend more time in their classroom prepping for lessons and analyzing data to better support students. As a result, long learning sessions tend to be hard to schedule and ill received. It turns out that micro…

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Increasing the Power of PD at your School

The power of PD (professional development) is tremendous when executed correctly. When schools intentionally plan, prepare and deliver high quality learning experiences for teachers, they increase instructional effectiveness and student learning outcomes. This post will cover building and executing quality professional development while also providing additional tips for success. Building Quality PD Building professional development…

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Infuse Joy into PD with Buzzword Bingo

Professional development [PD] can be a bore for teachers so infusing joy with Buzzword Bingo will keep them asking for more. Since educators have to attend a certain amount of learning hours to keep their licenses active, PD can not be avoided. However, PD can be enhanced and upgraded so that it is not only…

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5 Ways to Better Lead PD for Teachers

“How can I better lead PD?” teacher leaders often ask their colleagues. Professional development (PD) is ongoing learning for educators. Teacher leaders plan and execute PD in hopes it better equips teachers to help students learn and grow in the classroom. What’s the Deal with PD? Historically, PD sessions have been lengthy, rarely applicable, “sit…

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CH Bonus: Alternative PD Options for Teachers

Covid has shaken things up in classrooms everywhere, but maybe it is time to shake up professional development as well! We invited multiple instructional coaches to talk about alternative formats for professional development, and how to get away from the one-hour passive meeting that so many of us have found ourselves trapped in. One thing…

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How to Lead a PD Huddle at your School Site

PD huddles are one of many ways to engage teachers in learning opportunities. Sitting passively in a professional development (PD) meeting is wasting stakeholders’ time. As teacher leaders, we have to create learning opportunities for teachers that are engaging, but that also translate to more effectiveness in the classroom. This method will increase motivation, buy-in…

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