How Burn Out Saved my Educator Spirit

A unique opportunity presented itself to partner with Amber from Burned-In Teacher to share my personal story on her podcast about burn out as a classroom teacher. It is not one I talk about often as I focus on the blessings that came from those moments, but walking down memory lane to help teachers stuck in that same yucky feeling I once had…I knew I had to do it! During our first attempt at recording the episode, we realized we had A LOT to share with teachers that couldn’t be properly captivated in just one episode, so we decided to create a mini-series!

Always A Lesson + Burned-In Teacher = Always A Burned-In Lesson Mini Series

(Amber came up with that cute logo!)

I hope these episodes enlighten you to the fact that burn out doesn’t equate to failure, only re-direction and that you are not alone. In addition to my best advice on her podcast, Amber provided additional value in a complimentary blog post following each episode. I was even invited into her private Facebook group to share even more with the Burned-In teacher tribe.

Don’t worry, we are sharing everything with you right here! Catch up on all the amazing content in our mini series below:


[spp-tweet tweet=”“What’s so fantastic about a PLN is it keeps great teachers in the classroom. It’s a support network, but it’s a friendship first, rather than a colleague thing. It’s a great place to up your own game and be better than you were before.””]



[spp-tweet tweet=”“Burnout isn’t a one-time thing. It’s not this big catapult, it’s not fireworks. It could be these small moments where you’re just not the best version of you. You have to figure out what’s happening, why it’s happening, and change course.””]



[spp-tweet tweet=””I had to make a decision whether I was going to do something about it or stay in this situation and again it was this calculated risk of the benefit of trying something new was gonna outweigh that scary feeling…the feeling that I might fail, that it might not work out, that it may not be what I think it is..the grass isn’t always greener. And through the calculated risk I was willing to make what I am doing now a success and I’m so thankful I did that. I wouldn’t have if I didn’t see all that my Dad had modeled for me.””]


If you want to hear even more on this topic, then check out my latest podcast episode on how Burning Out Isn’t An Option. We need to keep our nation’s greatest teachers in the classroom and I hope the Always A Burned-In Lesson Mini Series helps do just that.

In the words of Amber and her Burned-In Teacher tribe… BURN ON!

What tips can you share with teachers to help them avoid burnout? 

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.

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