Getting on my Soapbox: Quality Teachers Needed


I have run out of patience with poor teaching. I can no longer sit back and allow it to happen. Over the years, I have turned my cheek and thought “those poor kids.” I’m ashamed I continue to pour love and quality instruction into my students while allowing the opposite to happen in classrooms around me.

I feel guilty and helpless.

 It’s unfair that a child’s success in the classroom can come down to pulling the short end of the stick. I realize teaching takes talent and passion. There are many educators that just go through the motions. You cannot be a QUALITY educator that just goes through the motions. I don’t understand how these people have a job or got one in the first place. There must have been great teaching at some point, but:

Where did it go?

Why did it disappear?

Why are they jaded?

There are numerous factors that contributed to the decline in instructional performance. They are the same factors that surround me daily, but:

Why am I not affected?

Do I choose a different attitude or does my passion push me through?

Whatever the case, there is no excuse for poor teaching. These are lives that are being affected. Children are wet cement and every impression sticks with them. We cannot allow one poor year of instruction to occur to any child- dare I say repetitive poor years of instruction either. I refuse to let it happen. No child deserves that.

This summer I realized that teacher preparation is a major factor; or shall I say the lack of teacher preparation. My TEACH Charlotte participants are so lucky to have a program that allows them to practice teaching instead of learning about HOW to teach. I did well in college as an education major and enjoyed my various observations in classrooms. I even enjoyed my two student teaching placements in a regular and Special Ed classroom. But, to be honest, I learned most from my first year teaching- which in my opinion is a tad late! TEACH Charlotte helps decrease that learning curve and allows teachers to practice their craft over and over until it makes it into their muscle memory so that when they enter the classroom in the fall they are solid teachers.

I wish this was available when I was becoming a teacher. But even more than that, I hope all future teachers have the opportunity to get into the classrooms sooner and begin practicing teaching techniques no matter through what program. Practicing the same section of a lesson plan over and over is what makes the techniques and the muscle memory stronger.

 It’s not rocket science.

Every professional practices hours on end to become better, so why not teachers? We can’t expect to teach educational theory for 3 years, allow 2 months to student teach and think it breeds quality teachers. Then once teachers are in the classroom we think we have done our job preparing them and cut all ties. What teachers really need is support throughout that first year.

Think about riding a bike… Do we sit our child down and talk hours on end about HOW to ride the bike, then put them on it, and wish them luck? No. We make them get on multiple times after they fall, and hold on to them as they navigate.

It’s a process.

Teachers deserve the same practice and support. But, our preparation programs and school systems fail at keeping the first year teachers afloat. Then, we lack the mentorships to ensure quality teachers are cultivated. We throw them in the deep end, say “good luck” and pass them through with average performance. We need to support them with a veteran teacher that is both qualified and encouraging. Slowly, we wean the teachers off the mentorship until they can do it on their own and return the favor to a newbie teacher in time.

Once teachers are on their own, some start making less than professional decisions from talking on a cell phone during class time to using up sick days to create three-day weekends. If you don’t want to be here, I beg you to go. Its what’s best for you and your students. Time is of the essence and every minute in the classroom must be excellent.


We need you, now. Help shape lives each day because you want to, not because you have to.

This post is not intended to offend, but it is in support of quality education for every child. Our future is in our hands; it’s not something to take lightly. Thank you to all the teachers out there that love what they do and help children become the best version of themselves. I am passionate about cultivating quality teachers to fill our district’s classrooms, and I will not stop helping until each child has a top-notch teacher.


How do you feel about teacher performance in your school, district or state?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.