26: Connect Four
Relationships play a huge role in a teacher’s performance in the classroom. Four relationships drive a teacher’s success- those with administration, colleagues, students and parents. Listen in for secrets on how to build and sustain productive relationships in the workplace. Quotables CONNECT CONNECT CONNECT Administration, colleagues, students and parents can be your ally or enemy…
Listen to Episode25: Mirror Images with James Sturtevant
Description: James Sturtevant first stepped in front of high school students in the late summer of 1985. He predicted he would teach a year or two, before pursuing something grown up: go to law school, get a PhD, or enter the private sector and earn a fortune. But, a funny thing happened on the way to…
Listen to Episode24: Grades Don’t Show the Details
Our educational system is focused on achievement in terms of numbers instead of behavioral patterns and choices. Grades do not tell the whole story though and rarely help a student grow and develop strong academic habits. We need to see below the surface and look for patterns in students’ learning to guide them in gaining…
Listen to Episode23: What’s on the Menu and Why Do I Care?
Professional Development (PD) is needed in a school system to increase teacher effectiveness by providing relevant, timely knowledge, strategies and techniques to improve classroom practice. However, PD is not created and delivered in an engaging, efficient way. Nor is it having the impact on student achievement as intended. Develop an avenue to provide professional development…
Listen to Episode22: Sum of the Parts
Education is a community effort- we aren’t islands on our mission to educate our future. Our effectiveness is a collective sum of our each individual parts. When someone is not measuring up, its our job to help them get there with clear, actionable steps in a non-threatening environment of feedback. Take a listen to hear…
Listen to Episode21: Stepping Back to Step Forward
Sometimes to get ahead in life and your career you have to step back to step forward. That special decision to pause allows knowledge and rejuvenation to prosper and spill over into your next step. Listen up as I speak directly to new teachers, teachers in distress or transition and teacher leaders! Quotables Long hours…
Listen to Episode20: Hug and Reach with Melissa Emler
Melissa Emler, best known as Missy, is an elite educator. She has a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education and a master’s in Educational Leadership. She has shared her vision and wisdom of 21st century learning at conferences such as SLATE and ISTE. Missy is currently the director of innovation at CESA 3, serving 31…
Listen to Episode18: Seeds that Sprout
Hear how a sprinkler watering the concrete inspired this episode. We need to water our initiatives with intention and follow through so that we have seeds that sprout. This requires a plan, constant monitoring, and flexibility to respond in the moment so that we align our input with our output. Tune in to get empowered…
Listen to Episode19: Peak and Pit
Life is full of high’s and low’s, but how we respond to these obstacles can make all the difference in our success, personally and professionally. Learn to use a low moment, or a pit, to reach even higher and more satisfying peaks, or highs. Tune in to this episode to hear just how to do…
Listen to Episode17: Hone in for Survival
Sometimes being an educator is overwhelming with all that is required on and off the job. I felt like I was running a 3-Ring Circus and barely keeping the plates up in the air. But, over time, I came up with a simple system to ensure I honed in on just the urgent matters of…
Listen to Episode