Instructional Best Practices for Teachers

Teachers should receive ongoing professional development (PD) for current instructional best practices. This ensures they continue to grow as professionals, performing at higher rates in the classroom, which also has a positive effect on student achievement. What to Focus On There are many instructional strategies teachers should employ when instructing students. However, two that have…

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5 Ways to Better Lead PD for Teachers

“How can I better lead PD?” teacher leaders often ask their colleagues. Professional development (PD) is ongoing learning for educators. Teacher leaders plan and execute PD in hopes it better equips teachers to help students learn and grow in the classroom. What’s the Deal with PD? Historically, PD sessions have been lengthy, rarely applicable, “sit…

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How a Mastermind Can Increase Educator Effectiveness

Educators who are top notch are those that continue to learn and grow throughout their career. Participating in varied learning experiences will increase educator effectiveness, which then positively impacts student learning in the classroom. The Problem Support for the development of educators varies at each school building and district. Some offer new hire or teacher…

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