Dealing with Push Back as an Instructional Coach
As an instructional coach, partnering with teachers is not always easy. Many times, teachers push back on working together or implementing suggestions from the coach for improvement in their classroom instruction. Push back refers to when an individual is not in agreement with what someone else is saying, doing or requesting of them and either…
Leading PD: “Must Haves” for Instructional Coaches
Leading PD can be fun, but stressful. There is a lot to plan and materials to organize. It can feel overwhelming at times. This post will share all my recommendations for leading PD successfully as an instructional coach. The PD Book: 7 Habits that Transform Professional Development by Elena Aguilar – Read as a you…
Continuing Education Tips & Advice
Continuing education is one way to ensure teachers and leaders remain up-to-date on best practices for their respective roles. As a result, many educators become reinvigorated as they connect with other professionals, swap strategies, and gain new ideas. But most importantly, continuing education ensures educators renew their license and certificates. What is continuing education? It…
Core Coaching Moves for Teacher Leaders
In a recent learning experience with teacher leaders in my mastermind, we discussed core coaching moves. There comes a time when you have acquired a toolkit of strategies to lead others. After the acquisition phase, it’s time to perfect your barometer for knowing which strategy or tool is best used in specific situations. Part of…
Common Coaching Scenarios to Navigate as a Teacher Leader
Discussing common coaching scenarios with teacher leaders before the actual obstacles arrive increases the likelihood an effective strategy is used. This can decrease anxiety and better prepare leaders for the struggles they may face in the future. Also, collaborating with others while brainstorming possible next steps solidifies knowledge, strengthens skills, and builds relationships. Preparation When…
Creating Professional Boundaries with Colleagues
Professional boundaries allow colleagues to work effectively together with limited personal conflict. This means that colleagues can be friendly without being friends so that personal disagreements do not distract from the completion of work. This blog post will discuss examples of professional boundaries and specific tips for how teachers and teacher leaders can navigate the…
Unique Ways to Give Thanks
Tis the season to give thanks! No matter if or how you celebrate Thanksgiving, it sparks a movement of reflection. Life can be busy and stressful. It distracts us from noticing the blessings that surround us daily. This post will share unique ways to give thanks. Model Take time to reflect on what you yourself…
How to Be an Effective Accountability Partner
Hi elite educators! I recently recorded a podcast about how to be an effective accountability partner. I thought it was too good not to share with my readers as well! Bringing you information about personal and professional growth that not only lights a fire within you, but brings so much joy to your life as…
The Importance of the Sunshine Committee at your School
A sunshine committee is composed of staff members who focus on improving the culture, morale, and well being of teachers. Sunshine reminds us of happiness and in turn this committee creates events and opportunities to make teachers smile and feel happy. As a result, relationships are built among staff members leading to a more fulfilling…
3 Ways to Organize your Tasks and Time
Organizing your tasks and time can be really challenging. Oftentimes, we get overwhelmed and frustrated by our never ending to-do list. These feelings cloud our judgment and make it difficult to attack our tasks with clarity and productivity. I recently shared an organizational tip for this very problem on Instagram stories and my followers said…