Classroom Supplies

How do you manage those classroom expenses?

I always end the school year thinking my classroom was a well oiled machine, including supply allotment and usage. But somehow at the beginning of every year, I feel I am back at zero. The library of books I worked steadily to build is minuscule. All the crayons are broken and missing. Markers are dried out. The stack of lined paper and printer paper have diminished. Yes, the school can help a bit by providing each teacher with a few staple items. But, what about the bulletin board borders, fun colored pens, and construction paper?

As teachers we spend so much of our own money on classroom supplies. Come tax time, there is a chance to recover some of the used monies. Teachers have to get creative- visit discount stores and stock up, stop by garage sales for hidden treasures, ask for donations from family and friends, etc. That only goes so far. How about a store that houses classroom supplies that are free to teachers?

My school district is lucky to have one of those stores! It is called Classroom Central. (I must warn you, it is currently only open to individuals who teach in poverty). It really has changed me. Not only can I gather necessary items like glue sticks, pencils, and paper. But, I can also peruse for fun items for projects and crafts like confetti, puffy paint, and ribbon. I even can stock my “Treasure Box” reward system with items like backpacks, organizers, gel pens, pencil holders, and select DVD’s. Talk about enticing students! I even can grab leveled books for my classroom library. Sometimes they may pass out a free gift for the teacher just for doing a great job educating the community’s children. Students write Thank You letters and send personalized gifts to the store to show their appreciation.

Now, I know what you are thinking. Why can’t my district have that? Well, you can! It took a long time for Classroom Central to become what it is today. It began in 2000, where businesses in the area joined forces gathering supplies for needy children as well as asking for generous donations (uh hum, a local NFL team!). You can become the start of this type of organization in your community. Gather friends and family, make a voice for yourself, and little by little…. the donations will come in; your store will grow; your inventory will spike; and your influence will be endless. Children need supplies to learn. It’s a community’s job to make sure each child is adequately equipped.

I tip my hat to you…Thank you Classroom Central!  You.Make.The.Difference.

In what ways do you collect classroom supplies year after year? If you have a local store much like the one mentioned above, please share!

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.