5 Ways to Enhance your PLC Meetings
Professional Learning Communities also referred to as PLC’s, allow colleagues to collaborate together to enhance instruction in schools. By collaborating together, teachers can make ideas greater based on the expertise and perspective of their colleagues. The improved learning experience due to PLC’s benefits all students in the school building along with educators.
5 Ways to Enhance Your PLC Meetings:
- Name the Gap – It’s important to acknowledge how effectively the current PLC operates and set a goal for where they want to be. This is called “Name the Gap.” Devising a pathway to get from current reality to goal allows all members of the PLC to be held accountable for improving.
- Know the Pathway– Understanding the goal of every meeting ahead of time allows for all members to be prepared for the meeting – materials to bring, pre-work to be completed, etc. This is called “Know the Pathway;” no surprise topics or meetings. The goal for each meeting should be clear so a productive meeting can ensue.
- Push for Iteration – A great PLC doesn’t settle on the first great idea. Through discussion and research, the PLC pushes each other’s thinking. The original idea iterates, which is why this is called “Push for Iteration.” This practice allows a good idea to turn into a great one.
- No Final Product– Many PLC’s operate as a place and time to complete lesson plans. Focusing on leaving the meeting with a finished product limits the depth of collaboration. Instead, a PLC should focus on the process- the thinking and doing over a final product. A “No Final Product” mindset keeps the PLC from dipping back into old habits of trying to complete a subpar agenda item instead of iterating quality ideas that can be finalized after the actual meeting.
- Mix the Group – Hosting multi-layered PLC’s allows for a unique discussion to occur. Teachers could be grouped by grade level, subject area or based on a subset of data. By mixing team members (vertical team, content team, grade level team, etc.), various expertise and perspectives can be shared. Again, ideas become better through effective collaboration with peers.
Additional Reading for PLC’s:
The following blog posts provide additional information in regards to PLC’s:
Additional Resources for PLC’s:
If you are need of resources to help you become an even stronger coach, browse these printable and digital options. Check out my instructional coaching must-haves here. Catch up on other helpful blog posts here.
What tips would you add for enhancing PLC meetings?