Enriching Learning


Have you heard of ASCD? I receive their magazine “Educational Leadership” monthly. At the end of the magazine, there is a section called, “Tell Me About A Time…” where readers (just like us!) can write in on specific topics. So, of course, I did!

The topic was:

Tell about a time when using technology enriched your students’ learning. How did your teaching change? How could you tell that your students’ learning changed?

Here was my entry:

Technology has changed my approach to teaching and my students’ approach to learning. I began teaching in the fall of 2006. My classroom was considered “updated” because it had white board instead of a chalk board. I had 3 desk top computers for students to utilize. At the time, students read through a program called Accelerated Reader. Each child took a test through the A.R. program to determine their reading level. They then read books on their level and took a quiz on the computer. I created settings through the A.R. program to give students a particular goal to  achieve – students needed to maintain an average on their quizzes that was 85% or better, and read enough books to reach 100% of their goal. Other than that, no technology was utilized during the school day (unless of course a student earned and extra reward to have computer game time).

Finally in the year 2008, my classroom got another “update” when I received a Smart Board! HOLY goodness did my life change in an instant! Not only was it just cool, but it really made learning come alive. The desktop computers almost became obsolete as everything I did was through the Smart Board. Plus students preferred to learn instead of play games. (No lies here!)

A Smart Board goes hand in hand with the pace of society today. Everything occurs instantly. Students were motivated to watch learning happen as well as be part of the process. No longer was I standing in front of the room giving students information. Students were now the ones in charge of their learning. Now I stand back and facilitate the learning process. Students learn by doing and alter their approach as they receive instant feedback during a task. This is more powerful than any teaching technique I could provide.

In watching student interest levels soar by allowing them to discover first before providing insight on a topic, I began teaching all subjects this way. I introduce the topic briefly, allow students to investigate on their own, discuss as a class their misconceptions and conclusions, and then I deliver the “goods.” Students are then invested in the factual information I am providing because they have background knowledge to make sense of the new information.

Technology is meeting students where they are and helping them achieve greater. It has also allowed me to strengthen my approach to how students learn and best address their needs because I was humble enough to realize I did not have to lead the process to be a good teacher. I am excited to see what new devices come out on the academic market next. If I am already looking back 5 years and seeing progress, I can only imagine what the next 5 will look like!


How has technology enriched your students learning?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.