Want to become a teacher? Try the non-traditional route!


I was recently invited to speak on a 5-member panel to encourage future teachers to achieve their dream of becoming an educator through an alternate route program.

There were two representatives from the RALC (Regional Alternate Licensing Center), one from Teach for America, one from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Pathway to Teaching master’s program, and then I represented TEACH Charlotte.

It was an honor to speak to these career/degree changers about the impact they can have on our future. I am fired up about placing effective teachers in classrooms nationwide, so this was an opportunity to reach more instructional leaders who can influence and inspire our youth to make smart decisions and become successful in any avenue they wish.


Not only did I enjoy talking about TEACH Charlotte and its purpose and mission through The New Teacher Project, but I also loved hearing from all the other members on the panel about the benefits of the programs that they represented. To be honest, I didn’t even know about the RALC, so that was very informative about attaining North Carolina teaching licensure through that route. I also liked hearing from the UNCC master’s program as many of the teachers I have come to know have an undergrad degree in something other than education and decided to go back to school for their master’s to fulfill that desire in their hearts that they had been trying to silence for years. (Which, by the way, that desire only grows stronger the longer you try to silence it so you might as well give in now!)  However, sometimes individuals do not want to take the time to go back to school for a master’s degree so they are attracted to alternate route programs like TEACH Charlotte and Teach for America that provide certification in a few short months. Both programs are very similar, but of course I am a proponent of TEACH Charlotte mainly because its aim is to keep teachers in the classroom where Teach for America allows their participants to change careers after two years. I truly believe kids need consistent leaders in the classroom so that aspect of the program irks me a bit, to be honest.

I had a great time chatting with the audience afterwards and answering their questions. The major concern centered around finances and there are some great programs that offer loan forgiveness, like Teach for America. Some programs partner with school districts that offer a signing bonus, like TEACH Charlotte.  Most programs offer payment plans to help make the financial burden shrink. These options are wonderful and show how each program understands the roadblocks preventing future teachers from diving into their dream.

Overall, I am thankful for alternate route programs. Our nation is in need of great teachers and this avenue is quick and easy. There are lots of leaders out there that would make great teachers, but they think they can never use their talents because it requires too much time and finances to obtain a teacher certification. I hope to continue to get the word out about alternate route certification programs so that more adults will come join the forces of teachers who make such an extraordinary impact. Everyone has something to give and these programs are designed to teach you the necessary techniques to be successful in the classroom. Having years of experience can only be beneficial in the classroom as it enhances the content being taught by sharing its real world application.

Come be part of the mission to provide every child with a quality education provided by a quality teacher. We need YOU!


If you are currently teaching, how did you obtain your certification?

If you are interested in teaching, look at the some of the options listed above and leave your comments below!

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