Students Say the Darndest Things- Volume 9
Well, its the end to another great school year. I am so thankful for the kiddos who come into my life and change me for the better.Enjoy the last edition (for this school year) of Students Say the Darndest Things! [check out previous posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8]
- S: Ms. Schultek, you ever feel fat? I get real fat in October after Halloween because of the candy. And then sometimes I just get fat for no reason. T: I know how you feel buddy.
- T: You eat a lot of candy. S: I know. T: You’re not going to have any teeth. S: Yes I will. See? I just have a lot of cavities.
A Little Background Needed:
- [During a kickball game at recess as I walk in front of the pitch] – S: “Don’t hit Ms. Schultek! She’s too pretty to get hit!”
- [One of my previous students stopped by to hug me] Another S: “That girl will never take my place in your heart.” [shakes head]
- [After telling students their End-Of-Grade test score (on a scale of 1-5), a student that received a passing score of a 3 approached me] S: “Let’s talk about you giving me this 5.”
- [After hollering at boys for slapping each other’s necks] S: “Ms. Schultek…knock knock.” T: [Teacher stare] Another S: “Um, I don’t think she’s in the mood for that right now.”
Hope all my teacher friends out there had a successful school year! Check back in the Fall for more funny things my students say!