206: Are you Dying, Pruning or Growing?

We are all learners, honing our craft so we can better serve those we impact. Brian Mendler says, “Every plant has their own requirements in order to grow…and so do people.” We can get caught up in seasons that leave us dying instead of thriving, or pruning instead of moving forward, or growing to greater heights. Whatever the season, we can better understand what requirements we have to grow and how we can advocate for those opportunities in abundance. Tune in for your action steps!

Inspiration for this episode brought to you by:










  • People have their own requirements in order to grow so first, do you even know what your own requirements are? Second, have you written them down or even verbally stated them out loud? And third, are you advocating for what it is you need and want to grow?
  • I urge you to really think about the characteristics that make you thrive and grow.
  • If you had to name three requirements to grow and to thrive, what are they?
  • Every time you feel yourself getting upset about your circumstances in relation to growing and learning, look at this list. What from the current situation or opportunity is missing?
  • When you bring a solution to the table by providing a tweak to some current growth model that the school uses and you say how you think it could be better, they are going to be on board. You are providing them insight that they did not have access to before.
  • Most often you are not the only one requiring that aspect and many are going to thank you for speaking up. You make everyone better when you make suggestions that are to help the progress and the growth of those around you.
  • You are on the inside, in the trenches, doing the work so your voice and your perspective matter.
  • Do not stay a dying talent. It is not serving you or serving the people you are meant to impact. You deserve better. You are here for a reason and it isn’t to be withering away.
  • You don’t have to be moving at mach 10 speed to be productive. You just have to be intentional with how you operate within the season that you are in.

Stamp of Approval: 

Brian Mendler – https://www.brianmendler.com/

That One Kidhttps://tlc-sems.com/product/that-one-kid/

Watch Your Mouthhttps://tlc-sems.com/product/watch-your-mouth/

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  • Book: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn’t Teach You in College

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