Students Say the Darndest Things- Vol 10

It has been a while since I posted another edition of “Students Say the Darndest Things.” (If you want to catch up, you can find past volumes here.) As a result of my own children getting older and working with other educators around the world, the next edition in the series was born. Honesty 3rd…

Angry Kids- Maybe Its Not Their Fault

Being a teacher in an inner city environment for a decade, I know all too well the stories that catch media buzz about angry children’s behavior in and out of school. When hearing the stories, I always imagine my own students’ faces, especially ones that are troublesome but have good hearts when their guards are down. I…

LIVE Learning Helps Skills Stick

Font created by KG Fonts Learning is something we cannot escape in this lifetime. It happens without us even trying- whether in a formal setting or not. But, there are some lessons that stick with us longer than others and there’s a reason for that. [spp-tweet tweet=”When we DO learning, it sticks. “] Most of my formal…

News Flash: Teachers are Unprepared!

Our nation is in a deep need for teachers- great teachers at that. However, as the years progress, less and less educators are entering our pipeline leaving our classrooms without leadership. That creates a whole bunch of new problems that I won’t go through in this particular blog post. Instead, I want to focus on…

Virtual Staff Meetings are a MUST this Year!

There is nothing I hate more than inefficient processes. I guess its my Type A personality, but I like to make the most of my time and productivity is a major mood booster in my world. The most inefficient use of time is a weekly staff meeting. People arrive late so the meeting doesn’t start…

Leaders Learn to Love Public Speaking

It is no secret that most people are petrified of public speaking. At first, for me, I didn’t mind getting up in front of people but I feared not knowing what to talk about. Luckily, as the years progressed, I found a deep LOVE for education. I realized that as long as I stick to…

The Silent Teacher

The strength of a teacher can be found in their silence. It’s often not what they say, but what they don’t say. [spp-tweet tweet=””] You might wonder how I know that. Well, my first few years of teaching, I did ALL of the talking. I was putting on a show of my talent and desire to…

Should School Start at 10 am?

Many years ago, I read an article about high school start times. I found it very interesting in that biologically high school students are more alert and productive later in the day, which explains why they generally sleep in later. It went on to say that adjusting school times to match up with the circadian…

My First Viral Facebook Post

One day I was flipping through my personal Facebook feed and came across the photo above. It really spoke to me so I shared it on my fan Facebook page to see if it spoke to others like it did me [see all the comments here]. Well, I never realized the impact this photo would make…

Teachers, Could You Be Your Own Student?

Have you ever reflected on your teaching practices from the point of view of your students? I think you might realize very quickly why knowledge and skill gaps exist, and it rarely has to do with the student. OUCH. I know that’s harsh to say, but it happens to numerous new teachers as they navigate understanding…