Guiding Questions that Move Teacher Performance Forward

Guiding questions prompt reflection and higher level thinking. When instructional coaches and administrators use them to support teachers, they are able to grow at a faster pace. Read the blog post below to find out what these questions are, why we need to use them, and how it actually moves teacher performance forward. What are…

The Importance of Providing Onboarding for Educators

Onboarding is essential for staff be able to do their role effectively. Onboarding establishes expectations and offers support. defines onboarding as “the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one’s products or services.” Onboarding should be the entry point from which all…

Tips for Switching Positions or Grade Levels as an Educator

Switching positions or grade levels as an educator can feel overwhelming. Change can be scary because it is unknown, but the tips shared in this blog post will help make the transition in position or grade level easier. Researching If you are ready for a change in your career as an educator, researching options for…

Characteristics of an Effective Teacher Mentor

Teacher mentorship is essential for the growth and development of staff. Oftentimes, mentorship is an afterthought and poorly executed. This leaves teachers struggling to make an impact in the classroom. Before designing a mentorship process or program, it’s important to hand pick the perfect candidates to perform the mentor duties. They are the ones that…

Moving from School to District Instructional Coach

Moving from a school to district instructional coach can be an adjustment for educators. There are many similarities and differences between the roles. This post will outline those as well as provide overall tips for making the transition successfully. Similarities in Roles Purpose– Instructional coaching, whether at a school building or district level, is the…

What I Wish I Knew about Being an Instructional Coach

Being an instructional coach looks different based on the needs of your school and/or district. This post will outline my experience coaching new teachers in a large urban district in Charlotte, NC. Vision– Coaching was so new that many leaders didn’t know exactly how to use a coach. Not understanding how you want to utilize…

How to Effectively Collaborate with Colleagues

To collaborate with colleagues requires intention and a systematic approach. Collaboration, if done well, is a powerful technique that can support the growth of teachers. Collaboration can: Increase one’s knowledge-base Model skills and strategies Multiply innovative ideas Bond a team together The problem is many schools require teachers to collaborate without providing training in how…

Get Organized for Coaching!

Getting organized for instructional coaching is one way to increase the likelihood that you can have an impact on teacher growth. If a coach is unorganized, it is hard for them to be able to maintain a strong growth plan for a teacher, let alone multiple teachers. This post will help instructional coaches get organized…

Managing the Implementation Gap

When teacher leaders do not understand and plan for the implementation gap [i-Gap], they will not be able to best support the growth of teachers. This post will help teacher leaders (mentors, cooperating teachers, instructional coaches, PD facilitators, etc.) manage the implementation gap so that teacher expectation is adjusted and performance can reach its potential.…

How to Make the Best Use of Time At a Conference

Educators attend conferences as a means of obtaining professional development. Engaging in ongoing learning is essential for educators to stay current in research and instructional best practices. No matter what type of conference educators attend, there are many ways to get the most out of attending a conference. This blog post shares ways to maximize…