Write On!
Need some ideas for those last few days of school? Writing prompts have been my best friend!
I gave my students the writing prompt: “_[insert name]___ lived in a castle in a far away land.” Students chose their main character’s name and copied down this sentence. They then added one more sentence. At the sound of a bell, students swapped papers in a clockwise motion, read what was written on the paper, and added an additional sentence. This cycle repeated itself until all students had written on each of their classmate’s papers. I think next time I will have each student utilize a different color pen/pencil to create a strong visual of the collaborative effort.
When students received their original writing piece back they had a howling good time rereading their silly stories. One student remarked, “I started out with a prince in a castle and ended up with leprechauns! How’d that happen?” haha You’re right, how did that happen? That is the fun of it! (Of course, I liked the one about me the most!)
I had to apologize to my surrounding teachers for the noise level as students read what other students wrote and added on their own wacky twist of a sentence. Sharing each other’s stories afterwards had our stomach’s hurting! What a fun, creative way to spend our last days together.
What is your favorite end of the year activity? If you tried this one, tell me how it went!