Tips for Switching Positions or Grade Levels as an Educator
Switching positions or grade levels as an educator can feel overwhelming. Change can be scary because it is unknown, but the tips shared in this blog post will help make the transition in position or grade level easier.
If you are ready for a change in your career as an educator, researching options for what’s next is a great first step.
- Make a list of what you like and dislike about your current position
- Decide what future role includes more of the likes than the dislikes from the list
- Ask your admin team what career options are available for the upcoming school year
- Search vacancies in your district
Once you know what role is a good fit and a potential option, begin preparing to be considered for the role.
- Read relevant articles online outlining common roles, duties, and expectations for the role you want to obtain
- Join networking groups (virtual or in-person) with others currently doing the role you wish to have
- Make a list of questions you have about the role
- Get clear on why you are ready and capable for the role so that you can share that during an interview process
- Interview for the role and follow up with a thank you, outlining your commitment and interest in the role
Diving in
Now that you have landed your new role, it’s time to dive in!
- Meet your colleagues and exchange contact information
- Gather, organize, and review all necessary resources to complete the role successfully
- Settle into your new space
- Set 2-3 reasonable goals for the first year in your new role
- Request a mentor or connect with your professional learning network [PLN] to receive support as needed
Next Steps
You now have numerous tips to transition roles or grade levels so that you can continue to grow and thrive as an educator. If you are in need of additional resources, browse the following categories:
Wishing you the best of luck in your new role!
Which tip was most helpful in learning how to successfully switch positions or grade levels?