106: Students Under Construction

Students come to us in their roughest state. Its up to us educators to cultivate a mindset and environment that polishes students into their potential. Tune in to hear three action steps to ensure every student reaches their best self under your leadership in the classroom. Quotables As educators we are the tools to chip…

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105: Fail Forward with Justin Ashley

Justin Ashley is an award-winning teacher, motivational speaker, author, and public education advocate from Charlotte, North Carolina, where he began teaching in 2007. He is also a highly sought-after speaker for professional development. He has been an inspirational keynote presenter for thousands of current and future teachers, creating an atmosphere that bounces back and forth between…

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103: Contribute or Contaminate

The environment that we work in can help or hinder us. In fact, we have more to do with our environment than we may initially think. Tune in to hear how you might contribute or contaminate your own working environment and how you can correct yourself when you go off course! Quotables Contributors are magnets…

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102: Unpack Your Baggage

Oftentimes educators bring emotional baggage to work that doesn’t belong and isn’t healthy for teacher effectiveness and student achievement. It’s important to check that baggage and then unpack it so that all negative emotions are dealt with, leaving space for happiness and contentment in teaching. Tune in to hear the simple four step solution to…

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99: Throw the Right Pebble

Good teachers know there is always room for improvement in their practice. But, choosing the right areas to improve can be more difficult than expected. Tune in to hear how to make small tweaks with a large impact in your classroom and beyond! Quotables Its unrealistic for me to expect myself to change so many…

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98: Answer the Call

Teaching is a calling, a career choice made by many. However, many teachers are getting discouraged quickly and exiting the profession without living out their passion. Tune in to hear how to answer the call without getting distracted by all the extraneous noise that comes along with the teaching territory. Inspiring Quote: “It doesn’t matter…

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97: Change your Classroom Mirror

The end of the year doesn’t have to be dreaded by students and teachers alike. It can be positive and loads of fun with the right perspective. As adults we can unknowingly convey our attitudes to young minds, exposing them to stress they don’t need to be privy to yet. Tune in to hear what…

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