146: Ask, Listen, Repeat

Leading others can be difficult, but with some guidance, teacher leaders can not only hone their own craft but build capacity in those that they lead. By using a cyclical process of asking questions and listening to the answers, teacher leaders can uncover potential obstacles those they lead are facing before helping a teacher implement…

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143: Be A Sponge

The first few years as a teacher in a classroom can be overwhelming trying to learn all of the ropes. But, how a teacher spends this time period is critical to the longevity of their career. Tune in to hear tips and tricks (as well as fabulous resources) for how to be a sponge as…

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141: Lead Your Own March!

Teaching is overwhelming and teachers often put themselves last in self-care. This leads to burn out and a short career. Advocating for your needs can be hard and well, awkward. But by reflecting on what you need, requesting what you need, and requiring what you need you’ll be able to lead your own march! Tune…

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140: Teacher Basics with Kayse Morris

Kayse Morris is a teacher by day and a curriculum designer by night. She develops quality resources for teachers grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. She has a Bachelors in Early Childhood Education, a Masters in Instructional Technology and a Specialist degree in Educational Leadership. She has a passion for life and thinks that beauty lies…

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139: You Are Your Own Lifeline

Sometimes there’s no other option but to rely on ourselves, dig in our heels, and do the hard work. Developing your teacher craft is no different in that your determination to become greater must outweigh your need to be told what to do. Tune in to hear how to be your own lifeline in becoming…

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138: What Does this Look Like in My Classroom?

There is always something “new” being asked of teachers. It can be quite overwhelming to implement every change while still maintaining your own style in the classroom. Tune in to hear how teacher leaders can help bridge the gap between requirements and teacher freedom. Quotables What matters is that teachers feel like they can meet…

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137: Quality Engagement is a Dance

Engagement can be a tricky aspect of any instructor’s lesson plan delivery. Ensuring students have high engagement with the content being taught requires a dance between student and teacher. Empowering students with ownership and accountability in the classroom is one way to ensure quality engagement in every lesson. Tune in to hear how to get…

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