156: Don’t Rush to the Rescue

It is easy to categorize student’s potential based on their misbehaviors, but we miss opportunities to help students develop critical skills in order to reflect, adjust and become their best selves. Burgess and Houf state, “separate the deed from the doer and work to change the deed.” Tune in for tips on how to do…

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155: Envision with Angela Watson

ANGELA WATSON (formerly Powell) has earned international recognition for her unique contributions to the field of education.  A pioneer and trailblazer of modern teacher blogging, she was first known for Ms. Powell’s Management Ideas for Teachers, a website she created in 2003 to share behavior management strategies, teaching techniques, and organizational tips. The site was expanded and renamed TheCornerstoneForTeachers in…

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154: Talent Over Curriculum

Programs don’t teach kids, teachers do. We have to protect teaching talent by empowering teachers to take the important pieces of a curriculum and spend more time personalizing their lessons with their passion, talent, and creativity so that students can receive a personalized learning experience to become their best. Tune in to hear how teacher…

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153: Students Become What You Think

Teachers are busy people and oftentimes don’t realize that every interaction they have with a child shapes the self-concept of their students. Regardless of intention, what teachers THINK about a child can be expressed as an expectation that can damage or restore a child’s passion and potential. Tune in to hear solutions for how all…

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151: Balanced Teachers Win

Leading a balanced professional and personal life is key to a long life of success and happiness. Tune in to hear how one unbalanced teacher took control of their life and enhanced all parts of it because of the big decision they were strong enough to make. Hear tips for new teachers, teachers in distress…

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150: Find Your Flow with Beckett Haight

Beckett Haight is a former student with special needs who went on to become a Special Educator.  After getting expelled from 6th grade he had an IEP and special education services stemming from ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder until graduating high school.  This led him to becoming a volunteer in Special Needs classrooms in high school, then…

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149: You Teach More Than Subjects

Teachers have a tremendous opportunity to shape students into their potential so that their future is as bright as possible. A lot of the focus for teaching children is on the curriculum component, when in reality students need even more than that to become their best. Tune in to hear 8 characteristics teachers can employ…

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148: You Don’t Have To Do It All

New teachers often feel like they have to prove their ability to teach to students, parents, and colleagues. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. Just landing a job means you are qualified and capable. Learning that you don’t have to do it all in the classroom to showcase your control and ability is…

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147: Avoid the Rumor Mill

The spring season in a school building can cause a lot of anxiety as testing begins and talk about changes for the upcoming school year surface. In order for a teacher to close out the current school year successfully (and with all of their sanity intact), they must avoid the rumor mill. Tune in to…

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