Educational Blog
Gunny and the Magical Pack- Teacher’s Edition
Introduction: Last year [click here to see post] I read the most wonderful story by Amy Cranmer, called “Gunny and the Magical Pack,” about an abused dog who overcomes a treacherous personal journey. This story is so special to me because the author and main character, Gunny, live right here in my own town of Charlotte,…
Literacy in ACTION!
Meet Rachel Harris, third grade teacher and literacy guru at Irwin Academic Center: I met Rachel at the NCAEE Region 6 conference where we were both presenting material to teachers. I found her session on differentiated literacy instruction very informative and timely as I desire to strengthen my literacy instruction from a status of adequate to AWESOME! I reached out…
Any child can learn…all it takes is YOU.
In my work as a Candidate Screener and a Selector with Teach Charlotte I have asked many candidates applying to our program about their theory on the capabilities of children and their learning. It got me thinking about my own theory. Based on my experience in two vastly different elementary schools, children are fundamentally the…
NCAEE Region 6 Conference: "Teachers, Pass the Torch!"
To begin, I just want to say that I LOVE learning and enjoy getting better at my craft- teaching, presenting, coaching, blogging, etc. An opportunity arrived in my inbox to present at a regional professional development session hosted by North Carolina Association of Elementary Educators [NCAEE] here in Charlotte. I jumped at the chance to…
2013 in Review
Blogging has become more than a hobby for me. I’ve grown professionally through both reflection on my own teaching practices and networking with other educators. That is fulfilling enough on its own, but when Word Press sent me my annual blog stat report I couldn’t be more appreciative for my journey and growth as a…
"A Passion for the Classroom"
I came across an article in a magazine called “Wilmington, North Carolina.” Amongst the beautiful beach scenery and southern architecture, came the article entitled “A Passion for the Classroom.” The author Jennifer Glatt introduced and interviewed three 2013-2014 Teachers of the Year from the New Hanover County school district. She asked each educator a series of questions…
Teaching: Tears or Triumph?
Entitled Children: Changing a Disposition
I came across a post called “5 signs kids are struggling with entitlement” and my ears perked up (well, considering I read it maybe I should say that my eyes widened). I have been struggling with this exact notion for quite some time now. Generations of students have an attitude that is completely unfamiliar to…