Inspire Students through Adhesive Wall Art
Adhesive wall art is a simple way to inspire students while learning in the classroom. Students spend at least six hours a day on average for 36 weeks learning in a classroom. Not everything students learn is from what their teachers say or do, but from the environment the teachers create. This can be in…
Read Full PostStrategies for Managing a Large Workload
Managing a large workload can be exhausting for educators. Just when you think you completed a task, a handful more are added to your plate. Some days, you’re just not sure how you will get it all done. The reality is that the workload will not stop coming each day. This post will share a…
Read Full Post6 Evidence-Based Practices to Implement this School Year
Utilizing evidence-based practices is key to improve classroom instruction. Education researchers like John Hattie (Visible Learning) and Robert Marzano (High Reliability Schools) lead the charge with their recommendations on strategies that work in the classroom. In reading the book Impactful Instructional Leadership, a Framework for Success, author Jack Hunter explained six evidence-based practices that are…
Read Full Post5 Benefits for Increasing Student Choice and Ownership
Student choice and ownership is an earned reward in the classroom. For teachers to provide choice and ownership to students means a shift has occurred from directing learning to facilitating learning. The teacher has routines and procedures in place as well as exposed students to high expectations with rigorous work. In response, students have shown…
Read Full Post4 Ways to Improve Student Engagement
Student engagement in the classroom has a powerful ripple effect. When students are engaged at deep levels it means they have more opportunities to transfer, digest, and store knowledge. Student learning outcomes increase as well as their confidence to tackle challenging academics. This post will cover 4 aspects of student engagement to consider when designing…
Read Full Post3 Ways to Improve Classroom Management Practices in the Classroom
Classroom management that is effective creates more time on task for student learning. This creates more rounds of practice to solidify new learning and increase learning outcomes. When teachers are consistent in their classroom management practices, students reap the benefits! This post will explore 3 ways to improve classroom management practices in the classroom. Relationships…
Read Full Post5 Ways to Improve the Lesson Design Process
Lesson design is the art of preparing a lesson that takes into account the minor details required for an effective learning experience for all students. When teachers design lessons instead of just prepare them, proficiency for staff and students increase. This blog post will reveal five ways to improve the lesson design process so that…
Read Full PostImprove Classroom Instruction with Teacher Data Collection
Data collection is a way to gather and track information in order to make educated decisions. It is a great way to figure out what is working well, and what areas to focus on for improvement. Teachers often collect data on student learning to make adjustments to their instruction to better meet the needs of…
Read Full PostThe Power of Accountable Collaboration
Accountable collaboration allows colleagues to work together productively in order to reach a common goal. Often, colleagues work in collaborative teams without accountability. In return, the team is limited in the results it can achieve together. By adding an accountability element to the collaboration, colleagues have clarity in how their efforts contribute to the achievement…
Read Full PostI am an Instructional Coach, Now What?!
You might be thinking, “I am an instructional coach, now what?” Luckily, you are not alone! Many coaches feel the exact same way when they first get hired. Some schools and districts provide a clear, thorough job description and provide ample training for all the tasks required. However, most schools and districts hire knowing an…
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