Students Say the Darndest Things- Volume 6


I am blessed to write another funny post in dedication to the many funny kiddos I come across each day- YOU make my job worth it a million times over!

 Setting the Stage:

  • As a student was gathering all of their books to exit the classroom to transition to math class, she stated “so many books, so little time!”
  • A student was showing me their mood necklace and explained what each color meant. Then she said,  “This should be illegal. It just does whatever it wants.”
  • When a bus didn’t arrive on time, a student commented “Our bus driver can’t stand us so she doesn’t follow the schedule.”
  • During read-aloud the kids were very out of it and tired. I happened to make a comment about their non responsiveness, and a student replied “I think we all need some coffee to wake up!”
  • When learning how to use loom bands I said “this is so hard” and a student responded “that’s because you’re old.”
  • When students were huddled together talking, the hallway behavior monitor said: “What is this? A party over here? I don’t think so!”


  • S: Did you know bad people take off door knobs on people’s houses and then sell them at the pawn shop?

         T: How do you know that?

         S: I saw it on I-Witness News

  • S: You like Anna!

          S: We do not have a relationship. There is NO future.

  • S to the T: You lost your patience? Are you a doctor or something? It’s not good to lose your patients.
  • S to the T: You’re lucky with your light hair. My dark hair is so hot out here. I’m like dieing.
  • S: Someone told me I have bad breath.

S: Yea I don’t like people talking bad about my friends.

S to the T: Don’t worry we took care of it.

Please share funny comments your students/children say below!



About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.