“Great Teaching Happens on Purpose”


I am currently reading “Never Underestimate your Teachers” by Robyn Jackson. I was hooked on her approach to education after reading her book “Never Work Harder than your Students.” Her perspective reminds us all just how brilliant students and teachers are if we adjust our approach in relating to them so that their strengths are encouraged and their weaknesses supported.

In a recent chapter I read, Robyn reminded me just how simple leadership can be when you remember a few foundational truths. Yes, it’s all about the kids. But more importantly she said, “Great teaching happens on purpose.”

Of course there is a lot that goes into teaching, but it all can be drilled down to that one statement- on purpose. Great teachers did not magically appear and by happenstance teach thrilling lessons to highly engaged kiddos. The preparation behind such a feat is massive and that is what separates the good from the great.

Those of you out there wondering what you can do today to be an amazing teacher, just hold on to Robyn’s simple advice and get to work. It’s on you.

How much are you willing to put into it?

How deep are you willing to drill?

How wide are you able to reach?

I live my life on purpose. I set goals and then I work like mad to achieve them, whether it’s a degree in the field of education or getting back into shape after having our first baby. It requires a thorough plan, time and energy. It doesn’t get easier the more you tackle your goals head-on, but there is a comforting rhythm of perseverance and risk-taking each time you are achieving on purpose.

Overnight success is not realistic and does not have any longevity capabilities. Amazing teachers are amazing on purpose. Be a teacher who leads with everything they’ve got and then some.

Here are 5 tips to be a great teacher on purpose:

  1. Set a Vision

You can’t arrive at your destination efficiently and effectively without knowing where you are going. What do you want to accomplish? This is where you can DREAM BIG and think outside the box.

  1. Develop a Thorough Plan

Once your destination is set, begin to plan your route. How will you get there? Planning backwards will help you take a large idea or theme and break it down into mini units. Each unit will have an umbrella standard with mini objectives that make up the lessons. Essentially, start with standards, flush those out into teaching points and end with a formal or informal assessment to check the degree to which your lesson was successful. Be sure to have a single plan with detours of differentiation for students needing additional support in slowing down or ramping up instruction.

  1. Implement & Execute the Plan

You know where you are going and you know how to get there so now its time to get on the road! Bring your A-Game of high energy and a smile and make those kiddos fall in love with learning!

  1. Get Feedback

Ask mentors to review your plans or watch you in action and give you feedback on areas to tweak to ensure you are operating at full effectiveness. Students are also a great source of feedback.

  1. Revise, Revise, Revise

Pulling off the main drag to recalibrate is not getting lost, its ensuring your pathway is still the right one. Sometimes what’s on paper looks great until you logistically play it out and realize an alternate route is needed. Doing this often ensures you reach your vision in the time allotted instead of stubbornly sticking to your original plan on paper.

Remember, great teaching happens on purpose. It’s not easy and its not quick, but with the 5 tips listed above you can become a great teacher in time.


What tip would you add to be a great teacher on purpose?

About the author, Gretchen

I am a teacher trainer and coach. Working elbow to elbow with teachers and teacher leaders to ensure instructional proficiency and student achievement soar lights me up. We have a real need in our nation for strong educators to remain in the field. My blog, book, podcast, courses and instructional materials are geared towards empowering teachers (and those that lead them) to receive the support needed to grow and thrive today, tomorrow and always.